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In this PhD thesis the development, validation and application of the Particle Profiler computational model is described. This model was developed with the aim of analyzing measured detailed lipoprotein profiles, to obtain information about human lipoprotein metabolism that can be used for diagnostic purposes. This general discussion includes the main findings, methodological considerations related to Particle Profiler, a comparison of Particle Profiler with other modeling studies, future research recommendations and a general conclusion.
In this PhD thesis the development, validation and application of the Particle Profiler computational model is described. This model was developed with the aim of analyzing measured detailed lipoprotein profiles, to obtain information about human lipoprotein metabolism that can be used for diagnostic purposes. This general discussion includes the main findings, methodological considerations related to Particle Profiler, a comparison of Particle Profiler with other modeling studies, future research recommendations and a general conclusion.
Main findings
This section includes the main findings
presented in this PhD thesis with regard to Particle Profiler. The first
section summarizes the knowledge gained during model development and
validation, while the second section summarizes the use Particle Profiler had
in various applications.
Model Development and Validation
The second chapter of this PhD thesis
presents a first version of the Particle Profiler model. Particle Profiler
models how the rate of lipoprotein metabolic processes depends on the size of
the lipoprotein particle. The model was applied to existing preanalyzed stable
isotope tracer data presented by Packard et al. (78). This gave four main findings (125). The model implementation was able to reproduce the original
metabolic fluxes calculated by Packard et al., requiring only six parameters to
describe all modeled lipolysis and uptake processes. The Particle Profiler
results in chapter [2] were able to predict the LDL size shift that was
measured in the original study, only using reported flux data measured in four
density classes by Packard et al. Therefore, the model predicts a change that
is actually measured, which gives confidence in the model’s realism.
Furthermore, Particle Profiler was able to indicate relevant differences in
physiology between the groups, such as a difference in higher hepatic lipase
activity that is known to cause smaller LDL particles. This finding indicates a
possible mechanism for the shift in LDL peak size. Finally, the potential for
modeling the effects of genetic variants was demonstrated by simulating
reductions in ApoB-related uptake affinity and lipolysis affinity. These
simulations gave results that correspond to the observed lipoprotein profiles
in subjects with such deficiencies. These four findings encouraged further
In the third chapter,
we further developed and calibrated Particle Profiler model parameters using
literature data on metabolic fluxes and lipoprotein profiles from subjects with
specific genetic conditions. The development step consisted in replacing the
function for particle attachment for the liver with a new function that better
matched the observed hepatic lipoprotein uptake in lipoprotein flux studies. In
this stage, we also further reduced the number of parameters to five. The
calibration step consisted in estimating the model ‘constants’ (those
parameters that remain the same for all subjects) using subjects with different
genetic backgrounds: LPL deficiency, the apoE 3/3 genotype, and the apoE 2/2
genotype. In these subjects specific processes stand out clearly, which makes
it possible to estimate the model constants. We subsequently performed
technical model validation using data on lipoprotein concentrations and
metabolic fluxes: the model could fit a range of normolipidemic and dyslipidemic
subjects from fifteen out of sixteen studies equally well, with an average 9%±5%
fit error; only one study showed a larger fit error. This result constitutes a
corroboration of the model, which is the best possible technical model
validation available.
Model Application
The first model application was an initial
clinical validation also in chapter three. There, we showed that a new
diagnostic marker based on VLDL metabolic ratios calculated by the Particle
Profiler model, better distinguished dyslipidemic from normolipidemic subjects
than established markers like triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, and LDL
cholesterol. This diagnostic marker is called VLDL performance, and is the
average of two metabolic ratios: lipolysis/production in VLDL and uptake/production
in VLDL. Two additional model-based markers clearly distinguished subjects with
genetic variants apoE 2/2, LPL -/-, homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia,
and familial defective apoB from other normolipidemic and dyslipidemic
subjects. (149) This indicates that Particle Profiler-derived diagnostics reflect
specific traits of dyslipidemia and genetic deficiencies.
The second
application in chapter 4 concerned a nutritional study, which investigated the
metabolic effects of dietary medium chain fatty acids (MCFA) versus long chain
fatty acids, especially linoleic acid. This application showed that combining
Particle Profiler-derived flux ratios with stable isotope-determined VLDL apoB
production rates can be used to determine absolute VLDL production, lipolysis
and uptake rates. The study showed no significant difference in VLDL production
between treatments. However, it did show a difference in lipolysis and uptake,
which was attributed to PPAR activation by linoleic acid.
The third
application in chapter 5 was to the GOLDN study, in which we identified three
subgroups based on clustering of the lipoprotein profiles. Analysis of the
cluster centroid lipoprotein profiles using Particle Profile showed differences
in the two metabolic ratios that constitute VLDL performance. The ‘VLDL performance’ marker was high in the
first ‘healthy’ subgroup, lower in the second ‘intermediate’ subgroup, and
lowest in the third ‘unhealthy’ subgroup. The difference between the second and
third versus the first and second subgroups showed a larger influence of extrahepatic lipolysis
dysfunction versus liver uptake dysfunction. The reported dyslipidemia,
therefore, seems to involve two stadia in which extrahepatic lipolysis
dysfunction becomes progressively more important compared to liver uptake
dysfunction. (139) The subgroups also show difference in lipid response to fibrate
therapy, where both the ‘intermediate’ and ‘unhealthy’ subgroup show improved
lipid values.
The final
application in chapter 6 was to
lipoprotein profiles measured using NMR in the Framingham Heart study. It is
possible to construct many different Particle Profiler-based diagnostics by
taking ratios of all processes modeled in
Particle Profiler, and evaluating these ratios for various particle size
ranges. In this study, we used the following three size ranges: VLDL to LDL,
VLDL only, IDL and LDL. From all
possible Particle Profiler-based diagnostics thus derived, we selected those
that consistently contributed to cardiovascular disease risk prediction, using
a nonlinear SVM-type statistical approach. We found that two lipoprotein
metabolic ratios significantly improved the area under the curve of the ROC
curve for general cardiovascular disease, and therefore significantly improve
the risk prediction for cardiovascular disease. The first ratio we found is the
‘extrahepatic lipolysis ratio’. This ratio is especially important for
predicting risk in people that take blood pressure medication: if people take
this medication and extrahepatic lipolysis does not function well, the risk of
cardiovascular disease dramatically increases. The second ratio is the ‘hepatic
turnover ratio’. This ratio is especially important when a person has a LDL
particle number that indicates the borderline between low and medium risk
categories. If the liver works well in such a person, risk is low; if the liver
does not work well, the person belongs to the medium risk category, which often
entails therapeutic intervention. Therefore, we have found two lipoprotein
metabolic ratios that significantly improve the existing diagnostic power for general
cardiovascular disease, a finding that can really make a difference for
people’s lives. For clinical application, further validation is required.
Methodological Considerations Related to Particle Profiler
This section treats two issues that came up
during the project and that still require further thought and investigation.
The first issue is about how to quantify single particle lipolysis. This issue
was dealt with briefly in chapter [2], but a lengthier discussion is useful for
examining in detail what can be done about it. The second issue concerns the
precise size-dependency of lipoprotein metabolic process rates. This issue
comes up as a consequence of the work done in this PhD thesis, and discussing
it is useful to trace a path for future investigation.
Quantifying Single Particle Lipolysis
The first methodological issue is that of
quantifying single particle lipolysis. In the process of designing a model for
interpreting detailed lipoprotein profile measurements, several assumptions
need to be made to base the mathematical equations on. Making these assumption
explicit is one of the key parts of the learning processes involved in the
mathematical modeling of biology. The assumptions make clear what the current
state of our knowledge about the system is, and often point to new scientific
questions. The Particle Profiler model is based on thinking in terms of
processes affecting single lipoprotein particles, and explicitly takes into
account the size of the particles. One of the questions that appeared was how
the particle lipolysis process, during which the particle loses fat to other
tissues, relates to the size of the lipoprotein particle. In this process,
there are two steps, as described in chapter [2]. The first step describes how
fast the lipolysis process occurs for a particle of a given size. The second
step describes how the size of the particle changes after lipolysis. I would
like to discuss the assumptions we made for the second step.
In an earlier
single particle-based model by Adiels (20), the particle size decrease by
lipolysis has been treated as a stochastic variable. For our model,
stochasticity was not an option, because of the computational overhead it
entails. Therefore, we sought for experimental data to underpin the size change
through lipolysis, but we found none. Since the LPL protein lipolyzes the
triglycerides in the core of the lipoprotein particle (107), we related the size change due to lipolysis to the triglyceride content
of the particle. This approach poses two problems, the first being the relation
between particle size and triglyceride content, and the second being the manner
in which triglycerides are taken out. Because of the scarcity of the data, we
had to solve the first problem by assuming that a particle of a given size
always has the same triglyceride content, where the relation between
triglyceride content and particle size is based on an earlier published model
that is extensively linked to experimental data (101). For the second problem, we considered two manners in which
triglycerides might be taken out, as a constant number of triglycerides per
lipolysis step or as a constant fraction of triglycerides per lipolysis step.
In both these cases, the model would be parameterizable with a single
parameter, which is the maximal number we could hope to estimate with the
available data. We were able to see that taking out a constant number of
triglycerides per lipolysis step led to inconsistencies with the experimental
data, whereas taking out a fixed fraction of triglycerides was compatible with
the experimental data. Therefore, for this problem we decided to use a fixed
fraction loss of triglycerides per lipolysis step.
As the reader
will note, these last arguments are largely inspired by practical
considerations and the solution is limited by scarcity of experimental data.
Therefore, in this area the model leads to an experimental challenge: quantifying
how the size and composition of a single lipoprotein particle changes during a
lipolysis event. The most feasible approach to this problem would be a
combination of experiments and modeling. The experiments would have to be
stable isotope labeling studies, in which apoB is labeled, for instance through
a labeled leucine infusion. Then at several timepoints after the infusion,
plasma samples should be taken and lipoprotein profiles run on these samples.
The different lipoprotein subfractions (how many subfractions there are depends
on the measurement method used)should be analyzed for their biochemical
constituents: apoB, free cholesterol, cholesterol ester, phospholipids,
triglycerides and total protein. This analysis will allow Particle Profiler to
optimally take into account the lipoprotein composition. In addition, the apoB stable isotope
enrichment should be measured for determining the particle production,
lipolysis and uptake fluxes. The methodology for such a study is comparable to
that of earlier stable isotope studies (50). These data form the ideal dataset for applying a version of Particle Profiler to
that can take into account lipoprotein tracer data. This version of the model
is yet to be developed. This methodology will
lead to improved quantitative understanding of lipoprotein lipolysis.
Precise Size-Dependency of Lipoprotein Metabolic Process Rates
A second issue relates to the new concept
that the Particle Profiler model introduces: the relation between the rate of
lipoprotein metabolic processes and particle size. It is possible to further
refine our understanding of how lipoprotein metabolic process rates
(production, lipolysis, and uptake) depend on the size of the lipoprotein
particle. In this PhD thesis we have been able to work with apoB kinetics data
from many dyslipidemic subjects, mostly published by Packard et al. The only drawback these data have
from the perspective of the Particle Profiler model, is the fact that they do
not include more than four lipoprotein subfractions. The studies described
above, in which apoB kinetics are measured in multiple subfractions, are also
necessary to refine our understanding of how lipoprotein metabolism rates
depend on particle size. Such studies will need to be carried out in subjects
with different genetic backgrounds, similar to the study presented in chapter
[3], where we used subjects with LPL deficiency, apoE 3/3 and apoE 2/2
backgrounds. Such studies will allow us to refine our understanding of how
lipoprotein metabolic process rates depend on particle size.
One example
where refinement is possible, is in the process of LDL uptake through the LDL
receptor. It is known that apoB changes its configuration when the lipoprotein
particle changes its size, and that this configuration change affects its
interaction with the LDL receptor.(114) Put differently, the affinity of the LDL receptor for LDL particles
changes with the size of the particle. However, the currently available data do
not contain enough information to include this effect in the model, which is
why it is currently not included. Future studies of the type described above
would help to refine our understanding of how the apoB-dependent LDL uptake
varies with the size of the particle. Next to furthering our understanding,
this knowledge would also help to further improve the model-based diagnostics.
Model Application
Particle Profiler can in principle be
applied to lipoprotein profiles including VLDL through LDL lipoproteins
measured by any method. Several such methods are available, as discussed in the
Introduction chapter of this thesis under: “What methods are available for
measuring lipoproteins and to what data types do these methods lead?” As Figure
1.2 illustrates, these methods are hard to compare directly, because they
subdivide the lipoprotein size spectrum into different subclasses. However,
Particle Profiler can analyze all these data types and always give the same
output parameters. Therefore, it is possible to compare the Particle Profiler
output based on different measurement methods.
Such a
comparison is interesting, but not trivial, since things can go wrong at
several levels. First of all, the measurement methods can give mutually
inconsistent results. But secondly, the measurement methods can measure the
same particle and report different sizes. This method-dependent bias in size
measure needs to be corrected for. The bias can be detected by comparing the
lipoprotein compositions in each size fraction. Therefore, this size
bias-related error can be minimized by measuring the lipoprotein composition in
each subfraction (phospholipids, free cholesterol, cholesterol ester, triglycerides
and total protein). Clearly, the different lipoprotein profiling measures would
have to be carried out on the same samples. It would be very interesting to
perform this study from a technical point of view.
applications of Particle Profiler are only limited by the domains in which
lipoproteins perform an important role. Chapter [6] of this thesis demonstrates
that Particle Profiler has produced new diagnostic markers that improve
cardiovascular disease prediction. This area could be carried further by
looking at specific cardiovascular endpoints, or by further validating the
model in other cohort studies. It would also be interesting to relate Particle
Profiler parameters to genetic variants, especially those parameters that are
important as diagnostic markers. Other possible domains of application include
diabetes type II prediction and obesity research.
Particle Profiler Compared to Other Modeling Studies
Modeling can be used to investigate
lipoprotein metabolism in various ways. Here, we will discuss several modeling
methodologies and their relation with Particle Profiler.
Modeling in the determination of subclass kinetics
Since lipoprotein subclasses can be
physically separated e.g. by ultracentrifugation or FPLC, they are amenable for
kinetic studies employing tracers. Isotopically labeled precursors of
lipoprotein constituents (fatty acids, cholesterol, lipids, or amino acids) can
be supplied by means of intravenous infusion, and the kinetics of accumulation
of the isotope in different lipoprotein fractions in humans can be followed in
samples taken at different time points (46,91). The kinetic constants that characterize the different processes in
which lipoproteins take part, then have to be derived by mathematical modeling
of these processes and non-linear least squares fitting of predicted vs.
measured isotopic enrichments. Typically, the models used are multicompartment
models that include pools of precursors in plasma and various body
compartments, pools of assembled (nascent) lipoproteins e.g. in the liver, and
pools of subclasses of VLDL, IDL, and LDL in plasma (50,51). The kinetic processes typically include synthesis of pool
constituents, exchange reactions between the various pools, and irreversible
loss of pool constituents. In most cases, first-order kinetics of reactions is
assumed. Estimated parameters include pool sizes and first-order rate constants
that can be combined to calculate fractional synthetic rates, fractional
catabolic rates and/or fractional transfer rates. These parameters can then be
related to environmental factors (e.g. interventions) and disease, providing
possible mechanistic clues to observed phenotypic responses. The use and applications
of these models particularly in studies on the nutrition/metabolic syndrome has
recently been reviewed in (228). Tracer studies combined with kinetic modeling have thus yielded
important insights in the kinetics of production and interconversion of
lipoproteins in vivo and how these
vary in diseased states. Such changes will be reflected, albeit in an indirect
and complex manner, in lipoprotein profiles. Thus, modeling directed at
extracting flux-related information from lipoprotein profiles may help to
reveal and diagnose disease phenotypes.
The relation
between Particle Profiler and lipoprotein kinetics models is two-fold. First of
all, Particle Profiler has been developed and validated using results from this
type of models. Secondly, Particle Profiler can itself be seen as a kinetic
model, but in the current implementation it only models particle subfraction
concentrations at steady state. However, in principle the Particle Profiler
framework could be extended to include the analysis of stable isotope kinetic
data. With such an extension, the model would be able to analyze data from
experiments where stable isotope enrichments are measured in many subfractions.
This would in turn give information for further refinement of the model, as
discussed above under ‘Methodological Considerations Related to Particle
Profiler’. So Particle Profiler at once builds forward on the work of earlier
kinetic models, and could also become a kinetic model itself if extended
Modeling to understand and predict lipoprotein metabolism
Knowing from kinetic as well as from molecular studies which
processes are involved in the metabolism of lipoproteins, new, mechanistically
driven approaches are emerging in cholesterol and lipoprotein modeling. Such
approaches hope to predict what lipoprotein profile results from a given set of
parameters characterizing the different biological processes in which
lipoproteins are involved. Once the prediction is correct, the model can be
subjected to various analyses. For example, sensitivity analysis can be used to
predict which interventions should be made to bring about a desired change in
the lipoprotein profile, such as an optimization of the LDL/HDL cholesterol
ratio. One could also predict the effect of genetic mutations on the
lipoprotein profile. The mechanistic models to understand and predict lipoprotein
metabolism may further be linked to computational mechanistic models of a
specific disease process (for example atherosclerosis, (229)) to generate predictions on how the lipoprotein profile will change
depending on disease parameters, provided that the lipoprotein metabolic
processes are represented in sufficient detail in the integrated model. This
offers the possibility to effectively predict candidate lipoprotein-derived
causal disease biomarkers from in silico
Below we describe several predictive models that have recently been
Plasma LDL-cholesterol levels are in part
determined by the rate at which LDL particles are removed from the bloodstream
by hepatic uptake. The uptake of LDL by mammalian liver cells occurs mainly via
receptor-mediated endocytosis, a process which entails the binding of these
particles to specific receptors in specialized areas of the cell surface, the
subsequent internalization of the receptor–lipoprotein complex, and ultimately
the degradation and release of the ingested lipoproteins’ constituent parts. Receptors are then partly recycled to the cell surface, and there is de novo cholesterol dependent receptor
formation by the cell. These processes are key determinants for the principal
mechanism of action of cholesterol-lowering statins. These drugs decrease
intracellular hepatic cholesterol, leading to an increase of LDL receptor
formation that subsequently causes increased extraction of cholesterol from LDL
and VLDL lipoproteins, lowering plasma cholesterol as a consequence (230). Three deterministic models for lipoprotein endocytosis and
associated events have been published and their properties analyzed. August et
al (231) focused on the effect of model parameters on
plasma cholesterol levels, predicting distinct high- and low cholesterol
states. Tindall et al (232) predicted the effect of
variation in binding, unbinding and internalization rates, the fraction of
receptors recycled and the rate at which the cholesterol
dependent free receptors are created by the cell on the overall uptake dynamics
of either VLDL or LDL particles and subsequent intracellular cholesterol concentration. Pearson et al (233) focused particularly on how the competition between the LDL and VLDL particles for
binding to the pits on the cell surface affects the intracellular cholesterol
Lipoproteins are influenced in an indirect way by many more
processes than those studied in the three mechanistic models mentioned above. Considering this fact, Van de Pas et al(234,235) have developed a physiologically-based kinetic
(PBK) model for plasma cholesterol that includes all processes in the mouse
that are key determinants of plasma cholesterol. The
choice for processes to include or not was made based on plasma cholesterol
values reported for knockout mouse strains included in the Mouse Genome
(236). The authors identified no less than 36 key genes for plasma cholesterol,
and used 12 of these to build a conceptual model of 20 metabolic and transport
processes that directly involve cholesterol
(234). Since kinetic parameters for all these processes are hardly
available, the authors took the approach of building an ensemble of 64k
submodels each having a unique combination of zero-order and first order
apparent kinetics for 16 of the 20 processes included, calibrate each with in vivo data on pool sizes and fluxes,
and selecting the best predictive models to generate an average prediction (235). This model is in the
process of being translated to a human model.
In addition to the conclusions on the behavior
of cholesterol metabolism as a whole, the dynamics of LDL and VLDL uptake and
binding competition, and the effects thereof on intracellular cholesterol, the
described models also show that mechanistic characteristics of lipoprotein
metabolism are reflected indirectly in the lipoprotein profile. While the submodels lack detail in the plasma lipoprotein
compartments (only 2 are included), especially the PBK approach has created the
unique possibility to link processes and genes affecting cholesterol transport
in the body as a whole, to changes in the plasma lipoprotein profile. The
latter may be subject to analysis using more refined models. All in all, these
models either provide a larger whole-body context than Particle Profiler, or
zoom in on specific details of processes that are relevant for Particle
Profiler. They therefore form a valuable addition to the quantative analysis of
lipoprotein metabolism.
Modeling to quantify physiological parameters that underlie different subclass distribution phenotypes
Using the knowledge gained from molecular and kinetic studies, a
reverse procedure may be followed: from a measured lipoprotein profile, derive
the parameter values of the underlying biological processes. This is the
approach Particle Profiler has followed. We have shown that the results of such
an analysis are especially useful for diagnostic purposes in chapter [6]. It is
of interest that computational modeling for diagnostic purposes poses specific
demands for the design, construction and evaluation phases of model development
and can benefit from techniques for efficient model formulation, model
calculation, workflow structuring and quality control as described in the
chapter [7](126).
Next to particle profiler, only
Hübner et al (61) have published a model with
the intention of analyzing lipoprotein subclass profiles.
Hübner et al (61) have developed a particle-based model solely of plasma lipoproteins
that considers the entire protein and lipid composition spectrum of individual
lipoprotein complexes, of both ApoB-100- and ApoA-I- containing lipoproteins.
Subsequently, their distribution over density (which equals the lipoprotein
profile) was calculated and it was shown that cholesterol plasma levels can be
simulated as resulting from a steady state of a particle distribution. Their
model was able to (i) successfully reproduce clinically measured lipoprotein
profiles of healthy subjects; (ii) assign lipoproteins to narrow density
classes, named high-resolution density sub-fractions (hrDS), revealing
heterogeneous lipoprotein distributions within the major lipoprotein classes;
and (iii) generate predictions of changes in the lipoprotein distribution
elicited by disorders in underlying molecular processes. Formulated as a
stochastic particle population model, a large number of individual lipoprotein
particles must be modeled for a simulation, and considerable computational
power is required. A potential use of the model for diagnostic purposes was
indicated but not demonstrated. The estimation of the 20 parameters of the
model will require the measurement of a very highly resolved lipoprotein
profile indeed, along with compositional analysis of each subfraction.
In constructing Particle Profiler, we have taken much care to avoid
overparametrization of our model, essentially by limiting ourselves to ApoB-100
containing lipoproteins and by implementing particle size-dependent mass action
kinetics as opposed to the non size-dependent
kinetics used in Hübner et al (61). This left only 5 parameters to be estimated from a lipoprotein
subclass profile in the final model (chapter [3]). By defining and simulating a
large number of lipoprotein compartments that contain lipoproteins in a small
size range (as small as 0.1 nm has been used), the computational efficiency was
greatly improved compared to a stochastic particle population model. It was
shown (237) that the variables calculated by the model, can be combined to
calculate (sub)class specific lipoprotein flux ratios that reflect disease
physiology of liver and extrahepatic tissue. These ratios can be used as novel
lipoprotein profile-based diagnostic markers (Chapter [6]. Hübner et al. have not yet published any clinical application of their model.
Statistical modeling for the construction of biomarkers that have diagnostic potential
The availability of detailed lipoprotein
subclass profiles may lead to new biomarkers that spur the development of new
disease concepts (see e.g. (238)). However, rather than affecting specific individual (sub)classes,
disease may be associated with more complex patterns of distortion in the
lipoprotein profile. Thus, there is a
role for yet another type of modeling used in the analysis of lipoproteins,
i.e. multivariate statistics. Of course multivariate statistics approaches are
not specific to lipoproteins but we nevertheless mention a few interesting
applications. Musunuru et al (57) used principal component analysis (PCA) of ion-mobility detected
lipoprotein subfraction concentrations to identify 3 major orthogonal (i.e.,
zero correlation) components of CVD risk, one representing LDL-associated risk,
a second representing HDL-associated protection, and the third (the
“atherogenic lipoprotein phenotype”) representing a pattern of decreased large
HDL, increased small/medium LDL, and increased triglycerides. The patterns
appear to be associated with SNPs in specific genes, suggesting independent
mechanistic pathways for development of CVD.
maps (SOMs) is a data visualization technique that reduces the dimensions of
data through the use of self-organizing neural networks. The way SOMs go about
reducing dimensions is by producing a map of usually 1 or 2 dimensions which
plot the similarities of the data by grouping similar data items together. SOMs were used by Suna et al (239) and Kumpula et al. (240) to cluster lipoprotein profile phenotypes, leading to the emergence
of complex lipoprotein associations. In Kumpula et al. (240) a metabolic subgrouping of the associations between plasma LDL
cholesterol concentrations and the structural subtypes of LDL particles was
discovered . This type of clustering can for example provide clues as to the
correlation of compositional variations within the lipoprotein particles with
metabolic and clinical parameters.
Clustering in
general is a helpful method to assign patients to specific subgroups based on
lipoprotein profiles. Correlating characteristics of the new subgroups with
treatment outcomes may identify larger groups of patients that would benefit
from the treatment than current clinical practice allows, as we (241) made clear in the case of fibrate therapy .
Profiler can contribute to statistical analyses in two ways. First, as we
showed in chapter [5], it can be used to interpret the outcome of lipoprotein
clustering. But more importantly, to relate the parameters that result from
Particle Profiler analysis to a disease endpoint, as we did in chapter [6],
multivariate statistics is needed. In this last case, by generating new
variables with specific metabolic information, Particle Profiler has improved
the capacity of statistical analyses to relate relevant information from the
lipoprotein profile to the disease endpoint.
Future Research Recommendations
In the above discussion, several
recommendations for future research have emerged. Briefly, on the fundamental
side these include further kinetics studies with stable isotope tracers, in which
isotope enrichment is followed in a detailed lipoprotein profile. The Particle
Profiler model framework needs to be extended to include kinetics data for
these analyses.
possible study would be a comparison of the Particle Profiler outcomes using
different lipoprotein profile analysis methods on the same samples. For best
results, the methods should measure as many lipoprotein constituents in each of
the subfractions as possible.
The area of
cardiovascular disease prediction could be carried further by looking at
specific endpoints, or by further validating the model for other populations.
It would also be interesting to relate the relevant Particle Profiler
parameters to genetic variants. Other possible domains of application include
diabetes type II prediction and obesity research.
Concluding Remarks
In this PhD thesis, the Particle Profiler model has been developed, calibrated, corroborated, validated and applied. Particle Profiler has shown its usefulness for indicating different specific types of dyslipidemia, for understanding population-wide dyslipidemia, and for examining the effects of a nutritional intervention. Particle Profiler has also led to new risk biomarkers that are able to improve the diagnosis of cardiovascular disease, which have been identified using data from the Framingham cohort.
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